2024.12.5-7, Severodvinsk. Regional competition "Pomorskoe byvanie"
2024.12.01, Ryazan. Solo concert "The Ballad of the North wind". The program includes works by Schubert, Glinka-Liszt, Vitali, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Alfter, Kobekin. Link to detailed information: https://rznfilarmonia.ru/afisha/17898/
29.11.2024, Smolensk. Concert with orchestra. Conductor - Maksim Konarev. Works by Gennady Chernov, Natalya Chondo, Vadim Bibergan, Nikolay Chaikin. Detailed information: http://www.smolensk-filarmonia.ru/poster/koncert-orkestra-imeni-dubrovskogo-dirizher-maksim-konarev News about concert: https://www.mk-smolensk.ru/culture/2024/12/01/v-smolenskoy-filarmonii-proshel-koncert-bayanista-virtuoza-semena-shmelkova.html
2024.11.17, Kaluga Sergey Taneyev College of Music. Regional competition of performers on folk instruments
2024.11.16, Concert,House of Writers,Tarusa. The program includes works by Schubert, Glinka-Liszt, Vitali, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Alfter, Kobekin. Link to detailed information: https://vmuzey.com/event/ballada-severnogo-vetra-semen-shmelkov-bayan
2024.31.10-01.11, Voronezh. Master classes within the framework of the Orion Educational Center|Voronezh on the basis of the Rostropovich College of Music
2024.10.28, Advanced training courses at the Isaac Dunaevsky Music School, Moscow
2024.10.14, Small Hall Gnesin Music Academy. Class concert dedicated to the anniversaries of Russian classics - Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Grechaninov.
2024.10.04, The Great Hall of the Music College Music Gnessin Academy. A concert dedicated to the Teacher's Day
2024.09.15-17, Irkutsk. Selection for the scholarship of the Charity Foundation "New Names". Link to the foundation's website: https://www.newnames.ru/novye-imena-v-irkutske4.html
2024.09.02, Gnesin Music Academy. Knowledge day
2024.08.26-29, Moscow. Gnesin International Summer Creative School
2024.06.13-07.03, Suzdal. 1st shift of the XXXII Summer Creative School of the Charity Foundation "New Names"
2024.06.03, Advanced training courses for teachers of Music school in Moscow
2024.05.17, VDNCh. APPRECIATION for the great contribution to the development of culture and many years of fruitful work from the Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova. Link to the news from the website of the Ministry of Culture: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/olga_lyubimova_vruchila_vedomstvennye_nagrady_pedagogam_ram_im_gnesinykh/?lang=ru
2024.04.19-21, Kazan. International competition "Accordion Extravaganza"
2024.04.11, Moscow State Institute of Culture. I Open Music and Educational Forum
2024.03.29, Sergey Andriyaka Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts. A concert "Solntsegrad invites friends" Orchestra of the Fyodor Chaliapin Children's Music School
2024.03.20-26, Kemerovo. Creative school of accordion performing arts "Vivat, accordion! Reboot", with the support of the PFKI. On the basis of the Children's Art School No. 4. 93 participants from 16 settlements of Kuzbass and Tomsk
2024.02.24, Gallery Art if Shilov. Concert "Romantic journey". Link on descrption: https://www.amshilov.ru/events/kontsert_romanticheskoe_puteshestvie/ Link on live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xqV4f8FSCc
2024.02.19-21 Syktyvkar. Master classes and a concert within the framework of the Creative School of the Music Gnesin Academy
2024.02.09, Nerechta. The concert "With friends"
2024.02.01-02, International Music School Gnesin Academy
The OBLIGATO musikkforlag publishing house in Norway has published the works of Olga Chistokhina: French suite - https://obligato.no/store/product/french-suite and Elegiac Poem - https://obligato.no/store/product/elegiac-poem
2023.12.13-17 International festival "Bayan & Bayanisty"
2023.12.5-6, Arzamas Music College. Master class and concert
2023.12.2-3, Glazow. All-Russian competition "Children XXI century"
2023.11.29, Ryazan, Yuri Kholopov Children's Art School No. 7. VII interregional scientific and practical conference". Master classes
2023.11.19, Kaluga Taneyev Music College. Master classes and a concert with students
2023.11.16, Moscow. Moscow Autumn Festival. Performance of the Suite "Solar Wind" by Irina Dubkova for accordion
2023.11.10, Moscow. The benefit of the accordion. Link to the live broadcast: https://vk.com/video-4604811_456241015 Links to Cultural News from 2023.11.11: https://smotrim.ru/video/2712268
2023.11.05, Moscow. 75 years of the Faculty of Folk Instruments Gnesin Music Academy. Link to the Live broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZeorv04N7M
2023.10.31, Moscow. Master classes within the framework of the Creative Contest "20 million of us". Link to the contest website: https://нас20миллионов.дети/?ysclid=lpa3b9gubd770887337
2023.10.30, Moscow. Advanced training courses. Link to description: https://metodcabinet.ru/2023/bayan/accordion/2?ysclid=lob9nwzd8f327337707
2023.10.24, House of peoples of Russia. Concert "Musical Snuff-box"
2023.10.18-20, Archangelsk. IV festival-competiton "The future of Pomoriya". TV report: https://smotrim.ru/video/2701708
2023.10.16, Class Concert "The spindle", Small Hall Gnesin Music Academy
2023.10.09 Moscow. Concert class and master class in Shalyapin Children Music School.
2023.09.25 was published Chrestomathy "Piano and symphonic music arranged for accordion"
2023.09.19 Moscow. Academic Music School at the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory. Advanced training courses for teachers of secondary schools and colleges. 68 participants from 19 regions of the country. Link to the project page: https://amumgk.ru/nacionalnyj-proekt-kultura-2023
2023.06.24-07.04, Suzdal. Creative school "New names"
2023.06.13-16 Moscow. Advanced training courses "Friedrich Lips Bayan (Accordion) School"
2023.05.27 Smolensk. Concert 'Voices of Russia" Link to the description of the concert: http://www.smolensk-filarmonia.ru/poster/golosa-rossii-pushkinskaya-karta
2023.04.28-29 Tambov. Concert within the framework of the Creative School of Music Gnesin Academy.
2023.04.24 Archangelsk. Concert and master classes within the framework of the Creative School of Music Gnesin Academy. Links on TV Show "Good morning, Pomorie": https://www.pomorie.ru/2023/04/25/644784fbdc526360660cb2a4.html Links to the story about the master classes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P81U9T7C7ak
2023.04.14-16 Kazan. International competition-festival "Feerie of Accordion"
2023.04.01 Moscow. The concert "A HOLIDAY FOR EVERYONE" at the Alexander Shilov Gallery. Link to the live broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH_svTlr2sU Link to the description of the concert: https://www.concert.ru/kontserty/prazdnik-dlya-vseh/01-04-2023-18-00/ Link to tickets:https://www.amshilov.ru/events/kontsert_prazdnik_dlya_vsekh/ With the support of: Friedrich Lips Charitable Foundation, Tula Accordion Factory, Real Estate Agency "Floors Kaluga"
2023.03.21, Tver. Advanced training courses
2023.03.20, Moscow. Advanced training courses. Links to the website of the methodical cabinet of Moscow
2023.03.18. Master classes as part of the selection for the scholarship of the Charity Foundation "New Names" in Moscow
2023.03.02. Master classes as part of the selection for the scholarship of the Charity Foundation "New Names" in Perm. Detailed information: https://filarmonia.online/detjam/novyeimena/novyeimena2023.html
2023.03.01. Publishing CD 12 "Solar Wind". Audioalbum included works by Clementi, Saint Saens, Alyabyev, Glazunov, Krivitsky, Podgaits, Dubkova, Shmotova. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7bxEyb7TCCHCv15fjWX9F0 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ru/album/solar-wind/1674190607 Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m37DyxEnweg4ccC1AqDMMWL_OD05_bssQ
2023.02.21. The VII All-Russian Festival of Nikolai Chaikin "Bayan and accordion in Nizhny Novgorod". Links to the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW1K02zwj-o Link to the concert page: https://nnovcons.ru/afisha/vii-vserossiyskiy-festival-bayan-i-akkordeon-v-nizhnem-novgorode-imeni-n-ya-chaykina-estradnoe-i-aka/ Link to the article about the festival: https://muzlifemagazine.ru/festival-s-zakhvatyvayushhey-dramaturg/
2023.02.10, Children Art school #1, Ramenskoe. Master class and concert
2023.02.6-7, Vasily Surikov Children's Art School, Lipetsk. Advanced training courses for teachers of the Lipetsk region
2023.02.03. Master class and concert at the Children's Art School in the city of Kohma. Links to the school's website: https://dshikoh.ivn.muzkult.ru/news/90537632 Kohomsky vestnik: http://kohma37.ru/news/novosti/kokhma-zdes-zvuchit-akkordeon/
2022.12.17 International festival "Bayan & Baynists", Gnesin Hal. Moscow. Links to the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj4hLncx1-o
2022.12.8-10, Yaroslavl. Chairman of the jury of the X All-Russian competition "Play, my accordion". Links to the competition page: http://art1-yar.ru/index.php/konkursy-festivali-vystavki/otkrytyj-yaroslavskij-konkurs-igraj-moj-bayan
2022.12.06. Concert Bayan orchestra of the Gnesin Music Academy. Gnesin Hall. Moscow. Links to the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDpJWGsUSsk
2022.12.1-3, Severodvinsk. Chairman of the jury of the III regional competition of folk song, instrumental music and artistic creativity "Pomorskoe byvanie"
2022.11.29. Awarding of methodological services that have become laureates of the II ALL-RUSSIAN COMPETITION of REGIONAL METHODOLOGICAL SERVICES.The congratulations from the Gnesin Music House are also attended by students of the Music School of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music Snezhana, Steshana and Milana Kolmogortseva, class of Semion Vladimirovich Shmelkov. Link to the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHLr8JLGuLQ Link to the performing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx7nsvhtJ0Y
2022.11.25. Interview with the "Omsk Here" news agency. link to the website: https://omskzdes.ru/culture/79710.html
2022.11.12-20. A competitive selection of candidates from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for a scholarship of the New Names Charitable Foundation took place online.
2022.11.17-18. Master classes in preparation for the Governor's Cup, Omsk
2022.11.12-13 Regional competition of performers on russian folk instruments, Taneyev Kaluga Music College
2022.11.10. The Great Hall of the House of Composers, Moscow. A concert within the framework of the Moscow Autumn Festival of Contemporary Music. Concert program included a Concert for accordion and Chamber Orchestra by Tatiana Sergeeva (2019). Dedicated to Friedrich Lips
2022.10.17. Class concert "IMPLEXUS", Small hall Music Gnesin Academy, Moscow
2022.10.11 Master class and class concert at the Children's Art School №10, Moscow
2022.09.29. Master class and class concert at the Fyodor Chaliapin Children's Music School, Moscow
2022.09.22-23. Audition and master class for a scholarship of the Charity Foundation "New Names", Belgorod
2022.09.16. Gnesin Music Academy. Master classes within the framework of the performing competition for the youth of the Tver region "20 million of us"
2022.07.11-23. Jubilee XXX International summer creative school "New Names", Suzdal
2022.06.14-17. Moscow. Advanced training courses were held at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music within the framework of the National Project "Culture" on the theme "Outstanding musicians-teachers of the Gnessin School: Friedrich Lips bayan School"The courses gathered more than 170 students from all over the country
2022.04.26-27, Kurgan. I All-Russian competition of performers on folk instruments"Cup of the Trans-Urals"
2022.04.23, Moscow. Alexander Shilov Art Gallery. Concert with the chamber orchestra of the Ivanovo Philharmonic "First meeting". Chief Conductor - Dmitry Shchudrov. With the support of the Factory "Tulskaya Harmon" and Friedrich Lips Charitable Foundation! Link to the tickets: https://www.concert.ru/kontserty/pervoe-svidanie-shilov/ Link to the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4M_v2x1xBU
2022.04.20, Bryansk. Master class within the framework of advanced training courses under the program "Instrumental performance" Bryansk Regional Educational and Methodological Center of Culture and Art
2022.04.15, Moscow. The report concert of the sector of pedagogical practice of the Russian Music Gnesin Academy dedicated to the cycle "Beads" by Alexander Grechaninov
2022.04.07. Meeting was held with students of the Ivanovo Music College
2022.04.07. Ivanovo. Concert with the chamber orchestra of the Ivanovo Philharmonic "First meeting". Chief Conductor - Dmitry Shchudrov. Arrangement music by C.P.E. Bach, P.I. TchayKovsky, C. Saint-Saens, V. Bibergan, E. Podgaits and original works by M. Bronner, T. Sergeeva, O. Chistokhina. Link to information about the concert on the Philharmonic Society page: https://ivfilarmonia.ru/afisha/первое-свидание/ Link to the broadcast: https://vk.com/video-49555489_456240145
2022.03.26-27, Kaluga. Open festival-competition of folk instruments "Accordion sounds", dedicated to the All-Russian Day of accordion, accordion and harmonica.
2022.03.23-24. Online advanced training courses for teachers of music schools of the Penza region
2022.03.22, Tver. The Tver Music College named after Modest Mussorgsky held master classes with young performers as part of advanced training courses
2022.03.12, Moscow. Concert of students of the Music School of the Music School of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music as part of the III All-Russian festival "Purple Thrush"
2022.03.04, Small Hall of the Gnessin Academy of Music Class concert dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the birth of Muzio Clementi
2022.24-27. Baikal International Art Festival "Vivat, talent", Irkutsk. Website of competition: https://talant-vivat.ru/ The jury of the nomination folk instruments: https://talant-vivat.ru/?page_id=362
2022.02.17, Vladimir. Scientific and practical conference. Vladimir Regional Music College of Borodin
2022.02.7-11. Music lecture hall. A series of online lectures. Directorate of Educational Programs.Link to registration: https://metodcabinet.ru/2022/lectures/accordeon
2022.02.08-09, Lipetsk. Advanced training courses for teachers of the music school of the Lipetsk region
2022.0201-06. Music Gnesin Academy. shooting of the YouTube show "Battle on bellows"
2022.01.17 and 2022.01.22 The Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Concert in memory of composer Roman Ledenyov. His accordion compositions and his students will be performed. More information about concert 2022.01.17: https://www.mosconsv.ru/ru/concert.aspx?id=174614 More information about concert 2022.01.22: https://www.mosconsv.ru/ru/concert.aspx?id=174793
2022.01.15. Rachmaninoff Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Premiere of the suite for accordion "Solar Wind" by Irina Dubkova. More information about concert: https://www.mosconsv.ru/ru/concert.aspx?id=174677
2021.12.26. Saint Petersburg. 36th International Festival of Music for Accordion and Accordion. Link of site the festival: https://accofestival.ru/ Link broadcast of the concert: https://vk.com/video-132507408_456242858
2021.12.16-19. 33rd International Festival "Bayan and Bayanists". Concert hall Gnessin Academy, Moscow. Live broadcast of the concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaCbmE5WYLw
2021.12.16. Kurgan (Russia). Concert within the framework of the festival "Students of the Gnesin Academy".
2021.11.26. Moscow. The report concert of the pedagogical practice sector of the Bayan and Accordion Department of the Gnesin Academy.
2021.11.25. Concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Astor Piazzolla. Moscow. Concert hall Gnessin Academy. Recording a concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mj-SUuzk_w
2021.11.24-25. Cup of the Union State and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Moscow. Link to the competition website: https://gnesin-academy.ru/kubok_souznogo_gosudarstva
2021.11.25. All-Russian competition "Children of the XXI century", Glazov. Link to the competition website: http://www.school-art.ru/competitions
2021.11.15-18. Advanced training courses on the topic: "Outstanding musicians are teachers of the Gnessin school. Friedrich Lips Bayan School" within the framework of the National project "Culture". Gnesin Academy, Moscow
2021.11.14. Evening in memory of Artem Kriklivy. The Scriabin Museum, Moscow
2021.11.06-07. Nizhniy Novgorod. Master classes within the framework of the music festival "New Names". Link to information about the festival: https://www.music-nn.ru/afisha/07112021/ Link to the broadcast of master classes: https://vk.com/video-171297681_456239629
2021.11.03. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow. Link to the broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvb82co0b8w
2021.10.28-29 Advanced training courses for music school teachers. The organizer is the Directorate of Educational Programs of Moscow. Information about courses: https://metodcabinet.ru/2021/bayan/accordion?fbclid=IwAR2Mx9VrlT4tjugOi3eqOGuYuv8qofEIB0CQjjFhc5cHL-dW61VycfAmg_Q
2021.10.15-16. Master class and presentation at the opening as part of the program of the Charity Foundation "New Names", Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk. Link to the website of the Tatneft Charitable Foundation: http://www.bf-tatneft.ru/fond/?4events&link=news-023A54D7-EB19-4FAA-BE40-C8626F201824
2021.09.30 at 18.30 Concert "The Game of classics". Fyodor Shaliapin Children's Music School
2021.08.29-31 Summer international school«The Gnesin Academy Summer School». Link to detailed information: https://gnesin-academy.ru/letnjaja-mezhdunarodnaja-shkola/?fbclid=IwAR1dU33kzs8R3jnBpEpSjoa2bTyaAlA29kS-Do_qaoZkOzdsrHidi_AvIyY
2021.07.20 published CD 11 "O Polichinelo". The album includes works by Sens Sans, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Arensky, Villa Lobos, Chaikin, Zhurbin, Podgaits, Bronner. On all music services in the world
2021.08.24 at 11.00 Moscow time. Open lesson within the framework of "The 4th Bao'an Shenzhen International Accordion Festival".The students of the RAM IM participate in the open lesson - Milana, Snezhana and Steshana Kolmogortsev's. Link to the open lesson: https://m.inmuu.com/v1/live/news/1240804/comment?inviterId1240804=9498409. Link to information about the festival: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WXRuYS2jbMHX_8Dzg8-DLw
2021.06.26 the article " "was published in the magazine "Music Academy", issue # 2 │ 2021 (774) ...against the background of the Russian landscape " by Roman Ledenev: features of the compositional structure. Author Semyon ShmelkovLink to detailed information about the article on the journal's website: https://mus.academy/articles/na-fone-russkogo-peyzazha-romana-ledeneva-osobennosti-kompozitsionnogo-stroeniya
2021.20.06-01.07 Creative school of the Charity Foundation "New Names" in Suzdal. Link to site: https://www.newnames.ru/professorsko-prepodavatelskij-sostav-xxix-mezhdunarodnoj-letnej-tvorcheskoj-shkoly-v-suzdale.html
2021.06.16-17. X Competition-festival of Art Mikhail Werner in Kemerovo. Link on competition page: https://konkurs-wernera.ru/. Link on news portal: https://rusdeutsch.ru/Nachrichten/13484?fbclid=IwAR3TBkeilX_gsod-t5y05BMl5KmgbhQvBz6LRer-D8t7zT2qaUHXlm31VzI
2021.06.07-10. Moscow. Advanced training courses within the framework of the National Project "Culture" on the topic: "Outstanding musicians-teachers of the Gnessin School: "Friedrich Lips Bayan School". Online.Link to the page with information about courses at the Russian Music Gnessin Academy: https://gnesin-academy.ru/nacionalnyj-proekt-kultura/
2021.06.06. Rachmaninoff Hall of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. At the concert dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Alexey Nikolaev.Concerto for accordion and string orchestra in the version with piano by Tatyana Pavlovna Sergeeva. Link to information about concert: https://www.mosconsv.ru/ru/concert.aspx?id=171392
2021.06.03.Moscow. Advanced training courses were held for teachers of music schools in the Moscow region.
2021.05.21. Moscow. Concert students in the House of Alexey Losev. Link to information about the event: https://www.mos.ru/afisha/event/67961257/
2021.05.18. Saratov. All-Russian scientific readings dedicated to the work of Ivan Panitsky. Link to Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=EYWbZjPIhLA
2021.05.17. Moscow. Cathedral Chamber. With two legendary choirs: the A. A. Yurlov Academic Choir Chapel and the A. V. Sveshnikov State Academic Choir. The director is the People's Artist of Russia Gennady Dmitryak. They performed Lake Water and the Beard by G. Sviridov.
2021.05.11. Moscow. Concert of author's music by a 3rd-year student of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Gnessins of Sergei Danilkevich.
2021.04.25. Lipetsk. Selection for the scholarship of the Charity Foundation "New Names"
2021.04.23 Moscow. Creative meeting with teachers of children's music schools "Yunost'"
2021.04.17. Concert "Fairy-tale stories" in the Alexander Shilov gallery: https://amshilov.ru/events/. Link on Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mnkb5YjC0Y. Link to the Gallery's website. Link to online ticket sales: https://www.concert.ru/kontserty/kontsert-kamernoj-muzyki-volshebnye-istorii//
2021.04.10 Kaluga. Creative meeting with teachers of children's music schools
2021.04.09. Reporting event of the sector of pedagogical practice of the Department of bayan and accordion. Link on video (Vkontakte): https://vk.com/semion_shmelkov?w=wall9476447_1162%2Fall. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/semion.shmelkov/posts/4609412915741854
2021.03.26. Syktyvkar. National Gallery. Concert in the framework of the interregional competition Perepelitsa "YOUNG TALENTS". Contest page.
2021.03.24. Moscow. The first pedagogical forum.Topic: formation of musical and performing competencies in the general education environment. Link to the registration: https://forum-teacher.educom.ru/event/73158. Link on livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ8y-HGaRgs
2021.03.17. Oryol. Philharmonic Hall on the All-Russian Day of bayan, accordion and harmonica. Link to the Philharmonic Society website: https://philharmusic.ru/afisha/igraet-semyon-shmelkov-bayan
2021.03.14. Izhevsk. Master classes within the framework of the Marathon "In the homeland of Tchaikovsky" from the New Names Foundation. Link on Live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it8wjjcaS1Q
2021.03.05. Concert students class of Semion Shmelkov
2021.02.15. The music collection "Romance and Modernity"was published. Publishing house "Space-2000". The anthology is addressed to students of secondary schools, universities and concert performers. Published in collaboration with the Tula Accordion factory. Original compositions for bayan and accordion by Andrey Zelensky, Yuri Yukechev, Roman Galiev, Olga Chistokhina, as well as arrangements for bayan and accordion by Nariman Sabitov, Mieczyslaw Weinberg, Johann Sebastian Bach - Wilhelm Kempf, Edvard Grieg, Enrique Villa-Lobos, Franz Liszt, Robert Schumann - Karl Tausig are presented.
2021.02.17-18. Advanced training courses for teachers of the Lipetsk region were held.
2021.02.01 . All-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity "Children of the XXI century", online. Link to the competition regulations: http://www.school-art.ru/competition/docs/xxi-2021.pdf
2021.01.17. Master class in the framework of the National Accordion Fair for Primary and Middle School Students in Shenzhen (China) "Yangtai Mountain Cup". Link to the competition website: http://ytsysj.com/
2020.12.31. Rachmaninov hall of the Moscow Conservatory. New Year's concert of the SYRINX quartet. There will be a Melancholic and Humorous story for four flutes and accordion by Olga Chistokhina. Link on video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_dDPulZpas&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR20kM0Zg6kZmNxoTtBe-KBCJGR8IJvl7oe2PQfKmwKPWx-YUIdkNourTRo
2020.12.17 International Festival "Bayan and Bayansity". Gnesin Music Academy. Link on video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYdwm4VpaKY&feature=youtu.be
2020.11.29-12.12 online master classes were held as part of the XXVIII international creative school "New names".
2020.12.11. Students of Music school Music Academy Gnesin family trio "ACCORD" of sister Kolmogortsev's took part in the award ceremony for the winners of all-Russian competitions among children's art schools and teachers.Link to the stream: https://culture.gov.ru/press/announcement/nagradyat_pobediteley_konkursov_sredi_detskikh_shkol_iskusstv_i_pedagogov/
2020.12.04. Music Academy Gnesin. Concert-lecture dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Roman Ledenyov. Link on video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erIPLzuD6DI&fbclid=IwAR122-aLrIoVSYXybD3woRnlcUgCtCz8aR157b1oi8JxdHRjmmjb2z2PBD8
2020.11.26-28. Kemerovo. Michail Werner's All-Siberian interregional festival and art competition. Link of competition: http://konkurs-wernera.ru/rezultaty-konkursa/339-itogi-konkursa-po-napravleniyu-muzykalnoe-iskusstvo-instrumentalnoe-ispolnitelstvo
2020.11.15-12.21. International competition 70th "Trophy Mondial". Delegate and jury member. Link: http://www.cma-2020.com/?fbclid=IwAR3d4WOO7uJ4Alld3VHZ6wlBlN-y0SAI_EnGa5mzblI0izqEkisNrNtxV_s. Link on video Live show: https://fb.watch/2dlMRZ_PtP/
2020.11.20 "First steps of bayanist". The report concert of the pedagogical practice sector of the Bayan and accordion Department of Gnesin Music Academy. Link on video: https://youtu.be/nSb4csJItO8
2020.11.06. Lecture in the framework of advanced training courses from the Foundation "Assistance and consent" for teachers of Severodvinsk, Salekhard, Yakutsk, Moscow on the topic "Implementation of educational programs in music schools using e-learning and distance learning technologies in the Bayan and accordion class"
2020.11.06 Small hall of Gnesin Music Academy. The Concert "Walking". Live Stream on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3sGqiU5uOk&feature=youtu.be
2020.11.1-13. Advanced training courses in online format. Lecturers: Selivanov, Yankina, Shmelkov, Krylova, Sugak. Link: https://metodcabinet.ru/accordion
2020.10.27-11.02 in Suzdal was held Creative school of the New names Charity Foundation
2020.10.31. The lecture is devoted to a video review of two score collections: "On stage - young bayanists and accordionists" and "Arrangement of chamber-instrumental and symphonic music for Bayan and accordion".The presentation of original compositions will be attended by composers - Andrey Zelensky, Yuri Bechin and Olga Chistokhina.In the illustration of works for young performers will take part in Milana, Snezhana and Steshana Kolmogortseva. Record of lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUzsLJjvTvQ
2020.10.21-22 Advanced training courses for teachers of music schools in Saint-Petersburg
2020.09.22-25. Gnesin Music Academy. Advanced training courses "Friedrich Lips Bayan school" within the framework of the national project "Culture". "Creative people"
2020.08.31-09.04 Advanced training courses for teachers of music schools in Voronezh
2020.06.6-19 Online meetings with fellows of "The New Names Charity Foundation": 1. Danil Yegorov, teacher Galina P. Sidorova (Lipetsk); 2. Nikita Sitnikov, teacher Olga V. Chupina (Glazov); 3. Timofey Mikhalev, teacher Irina S. Golman (Kovrov); 4. Ivan Bychkov, teacher Denis Y. Merkulov (Orsk); 5. Ivan Dozmorov, teacher Natalia V. Yunkind (Perm); 6. Dmitry Yergin , teacher Chauzova Yulia V. (Surgut) 7. Kamil Kharisov, teacher Yulia A. Ivanova (Naberezhnye Chelny)
2020.06.13 at 18.00 Moscow time in the house of Losev video concert of the class of Semion Shmelkov. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNo6vBzXiUA&feature=youtu.be
From 2020.06.04 now all three of my works are placed on LitRes: 1. Arrangements of chamber-instrumental and symphonic music for Bayan; 2. On stage – young bayanists and accordionists; 3. Formation of a young accordion player (to help teachers of Children's music schools and Secondary schools). Link: https://www.litres.ru/semen-shmelkov/
2020.06.02 advanced training courses online for teachers of Children's music schools in Nizhny Novgorod.
Published 10 CD "Strawberry Heart"! Performers: Elena Zabavskaya (mandolin), Olga Grudinina (soprano), John Lapin (cello), Olga Chistokhina (piano).Composers: E. Villa-Lobos, D. Kabalevsky, D. Shostakovich, M. Weinberg, A. Vivaldi, M. Gagnidze, O. Chistokhina, S. Gubaidulina, F. Shubert – K. Tausig.Sound Engineers: Leonid Tuhtashev (1-4, 8-11, 15,16), Zinaida Belyaev (5-7), Roman Ersahin, Constantine Kostryukov (9-14).Design of cover by Vladimir Lizunov. Link: https://music.yandex.ru/album/10797732
2020.04.14. Report video concert of the sector of pedagogical practice of the Department of Bayan and accordion of the Gnessin Russian Academy of music dedicated to the work of Nikolai Chaikin. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8RURGKqkgg
14 March, Kaluga. The competition "Sounds of the accordion", master classes and a concert.
12 March, Izhevsk. Master classes in the framework of the IV art marathon " In the homeland of Tchaikovsky"
4 March. Сoncert in the Chamber hall of the Moscow Philharmonic. Link:
27 February - 1 March, Barnaul. "Friedrich Lips Bayan school". Link: https://www.altairegion22.ru/territory/regions/barnaul/news?ELEMENT_ID=838169
Advanced training courses for music school teachers and Concert in the Great hall of the Petrozavodsk Conservatory. The concert is attended by: Olga Chistokhina (piano), Pavel Popov (oboe), Olga Grudinina (soprano), Joahn Lapin (cello).
27 January was published the textbook "the Formation of a young accordionist (to assist teachers of music school, Colleges)
14 February. X Bryansk regional competition of young performers on folk instruments, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war. Link: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/view/10492569/?*=7aDaUblw3Iv8%2FE9m7IM3Ed4FBIF7InVybCI6InlhLWJyb3dzZXI6Ly80RFQxdVhFUFJySlJYbFVGb2V3cnVKczkxT2dMOFZuZW9yc1d0ZW9MZV9kSThQWVVtcjBXc2tDZy1lbHZkLXNGU202SmxydnFxVmlsalZtM3Q2aUJYZGZVUjMxeG1DVHlmSEFxODEybnhWeFV0a1pvMVg0aTgtb3BBVUdJaWh0NWZpek1UaE9RUU9uME9reUlKYkVpREE9PT9zaWduPVo3NXRmYmF6bVg4eW5LMjBISVA5QndyWWNnY2ZDSURHSW83WGlSSjJIMUk9IiwidGl0bGUiOiJpdG9naV9uYXJvZG5faW5zdHIuZG9jIiwibm9pZnJhbWUiOmZhbHNlLCJ1aWQiOiIxMDQ5MjU2OSIsInRzIjoxNTgyNzA5ODcwOTYyLCJ5dSI6Ijk3ODgxMDI3NzE1NTc2MzE2ODcifQ%3D%3D
26 January. lll Interzonal open competition for solo performance on folk instruments "suburban evenings", children's art school of Dolgoprudny, Moscow region
20 January 2020. CD 09 "Flowers" was released. The CD includes works by Lyadov, Grechaninov, Shostakovich, Gubaidulina, podgaits, Bechin, Zelensky, Chistokhina.
17 December, Moscow. Russian Gnessin Academy of music. Practical seminars for specialists of regional methodological services and teachers of Music school. Link: http://www.iroski.ru/node/1278?fbclid=IwAR1YniZNjk0oU6elDmoeVauPmvbkUyr1MpU35j8fSbjPYkFt-Mv8bxoWIiQ
December 5. Report concert of the sector of pedagogical practice of the Department of accordion and accordion
2 December. Training courses for teachers of the Moscow region. Children's art school named Rubinstein, Moscow
1 December. Inter-zonal competition-festival named Igor Oblikin in Losino Peter's school (Moscow oblast)
26-28 November, Wien. Master classes, lectures, and a joint concert with students from the Russian Music Academy Gnessin and the Vienna University of music. Link: http://accordions.com/news.aspx?d=06-Dec-2019&lang=en&s=16031
18 November. Opening of I International competition-festival of bayan, accordion and harmonica players "Cup of Siberia"
13-16 November. Yakutsk. "Friedrich Lips Bayan school"
2 November. Ivanovo. 15.00. Concert dedicated to The 70th anniversary of Efrem Podgayts. Link: https://ivanovokoncert.ru/shows/1248-Kontsert-Efim-Podgaits---k-70-letiyu-kompozitora
29 October. Small Hall Gnesin Russian Music Academy. Concert of students by Semion Shmelkov
26-27 October. All-Russian festival of Yuri Rozum "Where art is born" in Simferopol and Sevastopol
22 October. Concert subscription "www.Bayan.ru" in the Chamber hall Concert hall of Peter Ilya Tchaikovsky. Link: https://meloman.ru/concert/wwwbayanru-2019-10-22/
23-26 September. Refresher course "Bayan school of Friedrich Lips", Moscow. Links: https://gnesin-academy.ru/kursy-povyshenija-kvalifikacii-na-temu-vydajushhiesja-muzykanty-pedagogi-gnesinskoj-shkoly-bajannaja-shkola-fridriha-lipsa-23-26-sentjabrja-2019-g/
12 June. ACADEMIC ACCORDION DAY.11-13 June. Master classes at the Royal Danish Academy of music.Link:https://www.dkdm.dk/Det-sker/Kalender/2019/06-2019/Akademisk-akkordeon-dag
5 June. Refresher courses for teachers of music school of Nizhny Novgorod. Link: http://nnumc.ru/kpk-dlya-prepodavatelej-bayana-akkordeona-ii-modul/
18 april. Reporting event of the sector of pedagogical practice of the Department of bayan and accordion
10-14 april. XI international competition "Peter and Paul assemblies" St. Petersburg
3-6 April. "Bayan school of Friedrich Lips" in Tomsk!
2019.03.26. Concert of students at the Children's art school №14 Moscow
March 25. Refresher courses for teachers in Moscow
2019.03.24. City Stupino. Concert with orchestra "Melodies of Russia": Anton Arensky Fantasia on themes of Ryabinin, Natalia Hondo Eight-eighths, Nikolai Chaikin Concerto No.1 Final
2019.03.24. City competition of performers on folk instruments (city Zhukovsky)
2019.02.20 Concert. Gnesin Russian Academy of music in Small Hall. Semion Shmelkov and his students.
2019.02.15 Concert in the Library "A. F. Losev House"
CD 08 "Dialogue" (digital).Includes works by Ledenyov, Volkov, Berinsky, Auric, Yukechev, Nikulin, Zelensky, Chistokhina
New CD 07 "Mozart in the Rain" includes works by Mozart, Hummel, Czerny, and Russian composers - Dargomyzhsky, Arensky, Maikapar, Shchedrin, Kabalevsky, Zelensky, Bechin.
Published musical collection " On stage - young bayanists and accordionists." Publishing house "Gap-2000" it includes original works and arrangements for students of Music Schools.
2018.12.15 XXX International festival " Bayan and bayanists"
3.12.2018 Recital in Music School #4 in Kemerovo
3.12.2018 Master-classes in Music School #4 in Kemerovo
27.11.2018 Recital in Special Music School in Novosibirsk
22.11.2018. Creative meeting with students and teachers meeting in Special Music School in Novosibirsk
15.11.2018 concert sector Internship in the Department of accordion
7-9.11.2018. Refresher courses for teachers of St. Petersburg. Link on The methodology center: http://metodcentrespb.ru/gorodskie-metodicheskie-sekcii/sekciya-prepodavatelej-narodnyx-instrumentov/
1.11.2018. City Klin Festival of Yuri Rozum Charitable Foundation "Where art is born"at the Klin children's art school. P. I. Tchaikovsky
29.10.2018 Concert works by Schubert. Small hall of the Russian Academy of music Gnesin
16-17.10.2018 in Saratov held master classes in the framework of the project "Children's art school – treasure of Russia». Link: http://soumc.edusite.ru/p1285aa1.html
14.10.2018. city Korolyov.Grand Opening of the X Anniversary all-Russian festival of the Yuri Rozum Charity Fund " Where art is born"
12.10.2018 Concert in the Small hall of the Shanghai Conservatory
2018.10.04 the closure of the X Jubilee Russian national orchestra festival at the concert hall named Tchaikovsky.
20-29 July. Accordion international courses in Lusławice at the European music centre Krzysztof Penderecki (Poland). http://stowarzyszenieakordeonowe.pl/36/INTERNATIONAL-ACCORDION-SEMINAR-Luslawice-2018
There was a collection of works of teachers of the Department of accordion and accordion of the Russian Academy of music Gnesin "Bayan art of the XXI century." Authors: Michael Imhanitsky, Vasily Vasilyev, Mariya Vlasova, Alexander Gataullin, Semion Shmelkov, Alexander Selivanov,Michael Bourlakov
21-22 may in the framework of the festival "Velvet meeting," master classes in the music school of the city of Dzhankoy and Bakhchisarai. The school website in the city of Bakhchisaray: https://bdmsh.crm.muzkult.ru/news_article/4368600/
12-15 May. V International accordion competition "Drug Bayan". Links on News TV: http://gtrk-kurgan.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&Itemid=120&id=20457
19-22 April. Moscow regional competition "Ensemble music" (Elektrostal, Children's music school named Andreenko). Link to the site of the city of Elektrostal: http://1-elektrostal.ru/novosti/otkrytie-regionalnogo-konkursa-ansamblevoe-muzicirovanie/
14 April at 12.00 Russian Academy Gnesin "University Saturdays" project! Links for registration: http://us.dogm.mos.ru/events-list/359/24614
April 12 at the festival of arts "Star" master class At the children's school of arts named after Yuri Alexandrovich Rozum. Link to news: https://dshi-zagor-schel.edumsko.ru/about/news/877809
23-24 March, the VIII international competition of folk instruments performers named Troyanovsky was held in Pskov in The regional College of arts. http://www.poki-rk.ru/news/1721
In the framework of the project of the Foundation "New names" in Perm on March 16 held a competition for scholarships, 17 March 2018 in the Perm regional Philharmonic held a master class. Website of the Perm Philharmonic society: http://filarmonia.online/detjam/konkursy/novyeimena/novyeimena—2018.html
Congratulations on the Grand Prix of the competition for the Prize Vyacheslav Belyakov (Russia, Ufa)family trio of Accordeonistes "Accord" sisters Kolmogortsev's – Snezana, Steshana and Milana (Music school of Russian music academy Gnessin, Moscow).
February 25th. After 80-th concert of the 19th season pass "Bayan and time" in Nizhny Novgorod musical College name Balakirev is one of the oldest musical educational institutions in Russia. about concert on TV " Rossia 1": http://vestinn.ru/news/society/88889/
19.02 Concert in music school #4 (Moscow) Performers: Milana,Snezana,Steshana Kolmogortsevy and Guzel Latypova.
26.02 Small Hall of the Gnesin Academy of music will be concert of students Shmelkov
17 February. At music school #14 (Moscow) in the all-Russian festival of modern music "Violet-thrush", was a concert. There were works for children by S. gubaydulina, A. Cholminov,R. Ledenev, N. Bogoslovsky from Album for children and youth, Ed.-comp. F. R. Lips. And And there were works by A. Zelensky and R. Shchedrin.
20 December 2017 held a master class for teachers of Bayan, accordion, leaders of orchestras of folk instruments of children's art schools of the Bryansk region.
18 December. The Concert-project "Unknown Vladislav Zolotaryov". Project author and performer Ilya Bokayev (teacher Semion Shmelkov)
7 December. Concert Internship in the Department of accordion. To 5-year-anniversary Album for children and youth. Edited and compiled Friedrich lips. Consultants - Vitaly Gunin, Semion Shmelkov
22 November. Regional seminar for teachers of the music school of the Moscow region on the basis of Musical College of a name of Skryabin
9 - 14 November: concerts and master classes in Austria (Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Sant Andre, Neunkirchen, Sirnitz) http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=24-Nov-2017&lang=de&s=13729
12 - 15 October, a festival "Where the art is born" in the cities of the Crimea (Feodosia, Yalta, Simferopol, Sevastopol)
9.10.2017 Recital in Gnessin Academy of Music
Published ARRANGEMENTS of chamber and symphonic music for BAYAN (CHRESTOMATHY)
1.10.2017.Concert of the winners of the Russian competition named after Werner
The first of September. Day of Knowledge. Concert Hall of the Russian Academy of Music Gnessin
17.07.2017. Performance at the 34th international festival "Dani Muzike" in the city of Herzeg Novi (Montenegro)
On June 17-18 the All-Siberian Festival-Contest of Arts named after M.M. Werner. The gala concert took place in Tomskaya Pisanitsa.
In May, the All-Russian festival and creative school "Inspiration of creativity" took place within the framework of the camp "Solnechny" VDN "Orlyonok"
On April 20, before the master-classes in Music School at Rozum
On April 15, the master classes of the students of the Academy music of Gnessins in the framework of "University Saturdays"
On March 9, master class to the Rubinstein Music School in Moscow.
3/03/2017 Concert Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. We, with my students not only performed works Kabalevsky.
08.02.2017. During and after the show "Black River ... Black gun" at the Moscow Drama Theater ApARTe. Played with Maria Lazuka "Order Winter landscape" by Andrey Zelensky.
Out 8th compilation series "Solo. Ensemble".Edited and compiled by Friedrich Lips.Link to the publisher page "Music" http://www.music-izdat.ru/BookDesc.asp?Id=6897419&mode=1
From 3 to 7 December Academy Foundation Vladimir Spivakov's "Kids for Kids" Sakhalin "
26 November. Chess tournament and Concert for the 125th anniversary of Sergei Prokofiev
Performed at the concert in duet with Elena Zabavskaya in the series "Gnesiny present"
In October in city Ivanovo master classes for students of music schools of the Ivanovo region
4, 8,11 October.concerts in the School of Art "Center", Shuvalov living room and in the Concert Hall of Gnesin mark the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great teacher and renowned composer Carl Czerny. We with my students (6 to 29 years) performed his music on accordion.
Digital version CD 04 "L'amour" including music by Ledenyov, Bach, Schumann, Franck, Mussorgsky, Berinsky, Granados, Chistokhina.
Available on Google play, Itunes, Microsoft store, Spotify etc.
Audio CD is also on Ozon.ru, Amazon.co.uk, Ruslania.com etс.
May 15, master class: Ensemble in a secondary school: from the study ofmusicto the concertperformance.Educational project "University Saturdays"
April 14. master class and concert in the Music school №4, Moscow
16 April. In the Concert Hall Gnesin will be CONCERT DEDICATED to the 70th anniversary SINCE the BIRTH of COMPOSER SERGEI BERINSKY (1946-1998)
26.03.2016 in Kolomna Philharmonic in celebration of the all-Russian day of Bayan, accordion and harmonica was held a master class and concert
On March 16a concert, workshop and master classes in the art school of the city of Vichuga, timed to all-Russian Day of Bayan, accordion and harmonica
On February 26 within the framework of the XII international festival "Constellationof masters" in the Concert Hall Gnesins. College with Elena Zabavskaya performed by A.Lyadov 5 parts of "8 Russian folk songs" and Liszt's Concert Etude on Paganini No.4 version No.1in E major
IV international competition "Sibiriada" 7-15 December, (Kemerovo city)
XXVII International Festival "Bayan and bayanplayers" 13-20 December
On 26-27 November, a concert and a master class in the Kurgan regional musical College of a name of Shostakovich (Kurgan city) http://music.r45.ru/?event=2015/11/26/1&ev_page=1
31 октября мы с Еленой Забавской исполнили 8 РНП,А. Лядова и Фантазию на русские и китайские песни О. Чистохиной
10 October 2015 was a master class as part of University Saturdays